

  • natural food basis


        天然:    natural; native; living
        饲料:    forage; fodder; feed
        :    the earth
        饲料地:    food patch
        自然饲料:    natural feed
        食料地:    food patcil
        饲料:    forage; fodder; feed 精饲料 (fodder) concentrates; fine fodder; 青贮饲料 silage; ensilage; 猪饲料 pig feed; 饲料拌和机 feed mixer; 饲料槽 manger; bunk; 饲料粉碎机 feed grinder; fodder grinder; 饲料干燥机 forage drier; 饲料混合机 feed mixing machine; 饲料加工 feed processing; 饲料加工场[厂] feed-processing plants; 饲料加工设备 feed-processing equipment; 饲料粮 feed grain; 饲料磨机 feed metal; 饲料配料秤 feed blending weigher; 饲料切割机 feed cutter; 饲料切碎机 fodder cutter; 饲料筛 feeding grid; 饲料收获机 forage harvester; 饲料添加剂 feed additive; 饲料甜菜 fodder beet; mangel-wurzel; mangold-wurzel; 饲料小麦 feed wheat; 饲料营养成分 feed nutrient; 饲料玉米 field corn; 饲料运输器 forage conveyer; 饲料蒸煮器 steamlyser; feed steaming plant; 饲料植物 forage plant; 饲料作物 grass crops; forage [fodder; feed] crops
        出乎意料地:    cap the climax; out of the blue; unexpectedly
        块料地板:    block flooring
        石棉-塑料地板:    asbestos plastic flooring
        塑料地板:    plastic floor
        塑料地膜:    plastic film mulch
        塑料地毯:    plastic carpet
        塑料地毡:    flexible plastic sheet flooring
        塑料地砖:    plastic floor tile
        资料地图:    derived map
        天然:    natural; native; living 天然产物 be made by nature; 中国无产阶级和广大农民有天然的联系。 the chinese proletariat has natural ties with the peasant masses.; 天然宝石 [宝] natural gemstone; 天然播种 self-sowing; 天然采光 natural lighting; 天然磁铁 natural magnet; 天然堤 natural levee; 天然港 natural harbor; 天然更新 self-restoration; natural regeneration; natural formation of wood; 天然公园 wild park; 天然河道 natural river course; 天然河流 natural river; 天然景色 natural scenery; 天然沥青 bitusol; natural bitumen; 天然林 wildwood; natural forest; “天然盟友” “natural ally”; 天然牧场 natural pasture; 天然泉水 springwater; 天然染料 natural dye-stuff; 天然淘汰 natural selection; 天然橡胶 [材料] hevea rubber; nature [natural] rubber; 天然资源 natural resources
        掺填料地沥青:    mineral filled asphalt
        防火塑料地板:    fire protected plastic tiles
        合成材料地基:    geosynthetics foundation
        突然,出乎意料地:    all of a sudden
        忽然,突然,出乎意料地:    all of a sudden
        卷材塑料地板厂:    plastic flooring materials plant
        如所预料地到来:    come throulgh arrive as expected
        偷工减料地建造:    jerry-build


  1. "天然顺式聚异戊二烯;天然橡胶"英文
  2. "天然丝"英文
  3. "天然丝包合金线"英文
  4. "天然丝粉"英文
  5. "天然丝素膏"英文
  6. "天然松香"英文
  7. "天然苏打"英文
  8. "天然苏打;天然碳酸钠"英文
  9. "天然塑料"英文
  10. "天然塑性材料"英文


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