天: sky; heaven星: star满天星: [植物学] babysbreath司天星: 30 urania天星桥: tianxingqiao天星小: star ferry天星蕨: christensenia assamica中天星: culminant star; star ferry pier, central北天星座: cephei尖沙咀天星: tsim sha tsui ferry pier今天星期几: what day is it today sunday; what day is today今天星期天: it's sunday今天星期一: today is monday满天星斗: the sky was covered with stars.; a sky sown with stars; a starry sky; a star-studded sky; bright stars studded the sky.; the heavens were full of stars and the constellations stood clear and bright.; the sky was full of stars.; the sky was glorious with stars.; the sky was studded with (numerous) stars满天星光: starlight filled the sky南天星座: ceti秋天星座: autumnal constellations天天星期天: everyday is sunday天星 宿命之剑: swords of destiny天星卜卦: horary天星小轮: buffering; star ferry天星型纤维: islands-in-sea type fiber; islands-in-sea type fibre天星择日: electional天星蕨科: christenseniaceae一天星斗: a star studded sky