天: sky; heaven一天又一天: day after day; day in and day out一天又一天,一直: day in and day out一天又一天地: day after day新的一天又将到来: and a new day will begin新的一天又开始了: another day is dawning天又不测风云,人有旦夕祸福: accidents will happen/every tide has its ebb昨天又有两家店铺关了: two more shops closed down yesterday. grant or draw one's pay灿烂的晚霞预示明天又是好天气: the splendid evening glow in the sky means another fine day tomorrow天鱼仔: skyfish天雨连绵: it continues to rain天佑勇者: fortune favours the brave天雨路滑: it's raining and the road [path] is slippery天佑英雄: luck of heroes天与地: chinese untouchables; dream spiral; earth and sky; entre ciel et terre; heaven & earth; heaven and earth (land theme); heaven&earth; no english name; ten to chi to; the sky and the earth; tian di天佑匈牙利人: himnusz天与海: cielo o mar天佑新西兰: god defend new zealand