天使: angel; wing; an emissary fro ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...微笑: smile恶魔: demon; devil; evil spirit泪: tear; teardrop她的脸上一定有著天使的微笑: there must be an angel with a smile on her face恶魔的: daemonic; demoniac; demonic; diabolical; satanic天使的: angelical; cherubic恶魔的废墟: the ruins恶魔的呼唤: the call of cthulhu恶魔的教育: devilish education; teufel und die jungfrau der恶魔的勒令: diabolic edict恶魔的所有: the devil's own恶魔的陷阱: stolen innocence恶魔的宴会: sabbath恶魔的艺术: art of the devil 2恶魔的游戏: devil’s juggler恶魔的诱惑: devilish charm恶魔的预视: diabolic vision恶魔的崛起: hitler the rise of evil如恶魔的: devilish邪恶的,恶魔的: evil阴间的, 恶魔的: infernal恶魔的拍球歌: rhyme of vengeance恶魔的艺术1: art of the devil; khon len khong