

  • ultrashock
  • :    big; large
  • 震动:    shake; shock; vibrate; quake ...
  • 特效:    specially good effect; speci ...
  • 活动特效:    special efficacy
  • 大震:    large earthquake, major earthquake; megaseism


        :    big; large
        震动:    shake; shock; vibrate; quake ...
        特效:    specially good effect; speci ...
        活动特效:    special efficacy
        大震:    large earthquake, major earthquake; megaseism
        特效:    specially good effect; special efficiency◇特效成分 magistery; 特效试剂 special reagent; 特效药 specific [wonder] drug; specific; effective cure; specific medicine; remedy
        震动:    shake; shock; vibrate; quake; chatter; tremulation; succussion; oscillation 震动全国 reverberate throughout the nation; 震动人心 make a great impact on people; 地震引起的震动 earthquake shocks; 火车经过的时候, 房子震动。 the house vibrates when a train passes
        陈大震:    chen dazhen
        大震撼:    deep impact; when time ran out
        粗大震颤:    coarse tremor
        名声大震:    just the two of us
        声威大震:    gain resounding fame; gain great fame and high prestige
        最大震级:    maximum magnitude
        最大震相:    maximal phase
        阪神大震灾:    hanshin earthquake in japan
        特效物,特效药:    sovereign remedy
        动特性:    ballistics characteristic; dynamic characteristics; dynamic response
        gpu特效:    gpu effects
        特效笔:    f-x
        特效的:    active; specific
        特效点:    effect point
        特效师:    special effect man
        特效物:    specific
        特效药:    a sovereign remedy; effective cure; miracle drug; specific drug; specific medicines; specifica, specific remedy; specifics; wonder drug
        特效组:    fx team


  1. "大侦探波罗系列剧"英文
  2. "大侦探波洛"英文
  3. "大侦探对大明星"英文
  4. "大侦探故事"英文
  5. "大震"英文
  6. "大震工作公司"英文
  7. "大震撼"英文
  8. "大震速报台网"英文
  9. "大震运输有限公司"英文
  10. "大振动"英文


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