大街: avenue; street; main street主要街道: arterial street; main street主要街道: main street; major street市内的主要街道: the main street of a town次要街道: minor street大街道: avenue次要街道;次级街路: minor street大道;大街;能穿过的街道: thoroughfare主要大街上的银行: highstreet banks shops etcc纵贯纽约市的大街道: broadway大街: avenue; street; main street 逛大街 go window-shopping; go for a walk in the street; 大街戏剧 boulevard drama街道: 1.(马路; 行车道) street; road; way 打扫街道 clean a street; 拓宽街道 widen a street; 交通拥塞的街道 traffic-chocked streets; 这条街道禁止通行。 the street is closed to traffic. 这客厅可俯瞰街道。 the parlor overlooks the street.2.(街道地区) residential district; neighbourhood; row; curbside 街道办事处 subdistrict office; 街道办学 street committee setting up school; 街道服务站 neighbourhood service center; 街道工厂 neighbourhood factory; 街道工业 neighbourhood industry; 街道教育 neighbourhood education; 街道居民委员会 neighbourhood committee; residents commission; 街道劳动服务站 labour service companies on the neighbourhood level; community service centers; 街道噪音 street noise; 街道照明 street lighting 主要: main; chief; principal; major 主要敌人 chief enemy; 这是一条繁忙的主要公路。 this is a busy main road. 这主要是由于我的过错。 it is mainly because of my fault.; 主要标志 outstanding feature; outstanding aspect; 主要部分 major component; meat and potatoes; 主要部件 critical piece; 主要产品 main products; prime product; staple products; 主要成本 prime cost; 主要成分 staple; 主要承保人 principal underwriter; 主要公路 primary road; 主要股东 principal shareholder; 主要合伙人 senior partner; 主要河流 trunk river; 主要话题 the staple of conversation; chief means; 主要环节 key link; 主要货币 key currency; 主要街道 arterial street; main street; 主要目的 major objective; 主要农作物 staple crops; 主要品种 principal item; 主要人物 major character; 主要市场 staple market; 主要特性 key property; leading features; prominent character; main characteristic; 主要特征 principal character; 主要条款 main clause; 主要问题 primal problem; 主要因素 major factor; primary factor; the be-all and end-all; 主要责任 ultimate liability; 主要证据 main evidence; 主要指标 leading indicator; major target; 主要指控 first charge; 主要重音 [语言学] main stress; primary accent; primary stress; principal stress; 主要罪行 major offense街街道街道: streetq大街: avenue q大街(美): avenue大街,通衢: thoroughfare大街区: superblock大街上: big in the street逛大街: go for a walk in the street; no.to do the block号大街: east 43rd street骂大街: make the air blue南大街: south street内大街: inner st外大街: outer st