Keep in mind , if your opponent is using plasma disc launchers , any aerial based counter should be mixed with a ground based counter 时刻记住,如果你的对手使用飞盘手(升级大蒜头)的话,任何对空部队都应该混编一些对地部队。
In a pan fry garlic in olive oil , once golden add the prawn head and cook until nicely browned , add brandy and let evaporate by half , then add tomato sauce , water and let it cook for about 20 minutes 取一只锅倒入油加热,加入大蒜头,煮至金黄色,然后放入虾头,煎至上色,再倒入白兰地去腥,最后倒入番茄沙司和水,煮20分钟左右。
In a pan gently fry the garlic clove , once golden add asparagus dice and green peas cook breathly to keep all the flavors , then add parsley julienne and tomato dice , taste seasoning , remove garlic and add a dash of lemon juice , reserve hot 取一锅,放入大蒜头,加热至金黄色,然后放入芦笋,青豆炒.待香味溢出后,放入欧芹,番茄粒翻炒,取出大蒜头,加入一些柠檬汁,保温储存