大约: approximately; about十: ten间: space in between; opening十年: decennium左右: the left and right sides abo ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...时间: time; hour十年左右的时间: in a decade or so大约十年时间: in a decade or so大约十三岁左右的孩童: subteen二十年时间过的如此之快: twenty years has gone so fast大约的时间: approximate time三十年时效(最长时效): praescriptio triginta annorum (=praescriptio longi temporis)三年时间: triennium五年时间: lustre; lustrum幼年时间: infancy左右的: bilateral; left right; right-and-left在短短的大约5年时间内那个人就由贫致富: the man went from rags to riches in a short period of about five years没有人陪伴你左右的时候: and no one to walk beside you过了一年时间: in a few year's time点时间左右: or so十年,十年期: decade大约,左右: or so; orso十年的时光就这样过去了: twenty years has gone so fast在一百年时间里: in a hundred years' time