大: big; large林区: wooded district; forest大林区长: regional forester林区长: district forester大林区: region大区区长: prefect of region; prefet de region营林区长: divisional officer大林区署: region office独立行政区区长: farmandar区区: trivial; trifling; a poor present; a shabby gift 区区之数a contemptible number;this is a petty amount.区区小事, 何足挂齿。 don't talk about [mention] such small things.; such a trifling thing is hardly worth mentioning区长: chief executive, district government; chiefexecutive,districtgovernment; ramjam; section boss; section mine foreman林区: forest zone; forest region; forest district; forest◇林区测量 forest region survey; 林区道路 forest road; 林区运木道路twitch road大林: dalin; obayashi; talin区区的: second 1副区长: section man教区长: rectorate; rectorship对林区: regional municipality of durham, ontario法林区: farim, reg分林区: region area哈林区: harlem护林区: fire protection area; forest range; forest reserve; forestreserve林区, 林地: woodland林区的: woodland林区署: district forest-office; district office密林区: densely wooded area; densely-wooded area