

发音:   用"大显示"造句


  1. Proview is the fifth largest display devices manufacturer in the world , commanding a healthy product mix of crt and lcd monitors
  2. Its board declared a final dividend of hk $ 2 . 0 cents . proview is the fifth largest display devices manufacturer in the world , commanding a healthy product mix of crt and lcd monitors
  3. Whole machine be constituted by programmable preface controller , servo electrical engineering , big touch holds display . double synchronously dying film steady , accurate , high accuracy , seal beautiful , neat


        :    big; large
        显示:    show; display; demonstrate; ...
        中心扩大显示:    center expand display; center-expand display
        最大显示选定节点:    zoom selected extents
        最大显示选择对象:    zoom extents selected
        大显:    daxian
        最大显示选择对象;最大显示所选的对象:    zoom extents selected
        放大显示用从动监视器:    slave monitor for enlarge display
        位置指示器扩大显示:    expanded position indicator
        最大显示所选的对象:    zoom extents selected; zoomextent elected
        手机 大显:    daxian
        大显身手 大显神通:    strut one‘s stuff
        大显身手:    display one's skill to the full; bring one's talents into full play; come out strong; distinguish oneself; cut a dashing [brilliant] figure; display one's prowess fully; do a really good job of ...; employ fully one's talent (in...); fully display one's talents; give a good account of oneself; give full play to one's abilities; turn one's talents to full account 你大显身手的时机到啦! now's your chance to distinguish yourself. 他虽然很缺乏经验, 但在拳击比赛中仍大显身手。 although much less experienced, he gave a good account of himself in the boxing match
        大显神通:    make the mare go; give full play to one's remarkable skill [abilities]; show a great miracle; show one's magic power; show what one is capable of
        福德大显身手:    clifford's really big movie
        功能放大显性:    gain-of-function dominant
        显示:    1.(明显地表示) show; display; demonstrate; exhibit; evince; manifest; discover; reveal; vision 显示出大无畏的革命英雄主义 demonstrate dauntless revolutionary heroism; 充分显示出它的优美 bring out its beauty to the best advantage; 显示力量 make a show of force; display one's strength; 他的谈话显示了很大的勇气。 his conversation evinced great courage. 这套服装恰到好处地显示出她的身材。 the dress shows off her figure to perfection.2.[石油工业] show; indication 地面显示 surface indications; 石油显示 oil shows; 天然气显示 gas shows; 显示板 display board; [电学] display panel; 显示窗 [电学] display window; 显示管 display tube; cathode-ray tube; 显示仪表 indicating instrument; display devices; 显示装置 display equipment; display device; display unit; display
        高倍放大显微镜像:    high power microscopic image
        克里福德大显身手:    clifford's really big movie
        最大显著性字节:    most significant byte
        最佳拍档2大显神通:    aces go places 2
        最佳拍档大显神通:    aces go places ii
        蝙蝠侠大显神威:    batman returns
        大连大显股份有限公司:    dalian daxian company limited
        你大显身手的时机到啦:    now's your chance to distinguish yourself


  1. "大涎腺,大唾液腺"英文
  2. "大显"英文
  3. "大显身手"英文
  4. "大显身手 大显神通"英文
  5. "大显神通"英文
  6. "大现岛"英文
  7. "大现化学工业公司"英文
  8. "大现礁"英文
  9. "大现土建公司"英文
  10. "大献殷勤"英文


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