大: big; large日本: Japan帝国: empire陆军: army; ground force; land for ...大日本帝国陆军师团列表: ija cavalry units大日本帝国陆军师团一览: ija cavalry units大日本帝国: empire of japan大日本帝国海军: imperial japanese navy大日本帝国宪法: meiji constitution大日本帝国海军舰艇列表: list of ships of the japanese navy大日本帝国海军舰艇一览: list of ships of the japanese navy大日本帝法: meiji constitution大日本帝海: imperial japanese navy日本帝国: empire of japan日本帝国大学: imperial university日本帝国海军: imperial japanese navy大日本帝海艇一: list of ships of the japanese navy日本帝国海事协会: imperial japanese marine corporation神圣罗马帝国陆军元帅: list of field marshals of the holy roman empire资本帝国主义: capitalist imperialism; capitalist-imperialism德国陆军: heer army法国陆军: french army美国陆军: america's army; u.s. army; united states army美国陆军部: war department英国陆军: british army