大: big; large律师: lawyer; barrister; solicitor ...公会: sociaty大律师公会主席汤家骅: bar association chairman ronny tong sc律师公会: ban association; bar association; law society美国律师公会: american bar association全国律师公会: national lawyers guild上海律师公会: shanghai lawyers guild律师联合会, 律师学院, 状师公会: faculty of advocate律师公会会员, 司法界成员: member of the bar大律师: barristers-at-law; counsel拉丁美洲律师公会和协会联合会: ugb union iberoamericana de colegios y agrupaciones de abogados美国律师公会中东欧法律倡议: american bar association central and eastern european law initia律师或大律师: attorney大律师名册: panel of counsels; panels of counsels大律师书记: barrister's clerk; barrister's clerk古惑大律师: queen’s bench Ⅲ皇家大律师: queen's counsel见习大律师: pupil实习大律师: pupil首席大律师: leading counsel委托大律师: instruct counsel延聘大律师: employment of counsel; emplyment of counsel英国大律师: english barrister大律师登记册: roll of baristers; roll of barristers大律师见习职位: pupillage