大: big; large巫师: wizard; sorcerer杖: cane; walking stick; staff巫师之: shaman's大魔法师, 大巫师: archimage大法师之杖: mage satff; masterstaff法师之杖: staff of magi巫师之锤: malleus maleficarum巫师之刺: unique orb/orb wizardspikeke巫师之魂: wizard's soul巫师之刺-骸骨小刀: wizardspike-bone knife巫师之怒-符文之弓: magewrath-rune bow大巫岚: dawulan小巫见大巫: like a small sorcerer in the presence of a great one -- pale into insignificance by comparison; a giant in the presence of a super-giant -- to feel dwarfed in comparison with; appear insignificant when compared with; be a fool to; the moon is not seen where the sun shines.: 我们这个温室比起你们那个简直是小巫见大巫。 our greenhouse is nothing compared with yours风之杖: the wind waker龙之杖: dragon staff大师之: master's牧师之: priest's师之惰: their teacher must be too lazy in telling them the details on sex宗师之: grandmaster's或巫师: shaman巫师街: wizard row巫师帽: pointed hat; wizzad's hat巫师棋: wizard chess小巫师: la brujita; little wizard