

发音:   用"大声抗议"造句
  • cry/scream/shout blue murder
  • 大声:    loud; loudness; in a loud vo ...
  • 大声抗议,捶胸顿足。:    breast-beating
  • 声抗:    acoustic reactance
  • 大声:    loud; loudness; in a loud voice 大声抱怨 squawk; 大声斥责 hurl reproaches; 大声道出 thunder; 大声鼓掌 clap hand; 大声喊道 cry out; 大声喊叫 yammer; 大声抗议 yowl; 大声狂笑 shout with laughter; 大声辱 骂 insult loudly; shout insult at; 大声痛哭 bewail; 大声笑个不停 laugh loud and long; 说得大声点。 speak louder.; speak in a loud voice
  • 比声抗:    specific acoustic reactance; specific acoustical reactance


  1. They started to scream blue murder when i told them they would have to work an extra half an hour on saturday afternoons
  2. But because the victims are not united states citizens , he said , no one has taken the lead in seeking a solution . " they don ' t have any real spokesperson , " he continued , " that ' s probably why there is no hue and cry to do something about this problem .
    他说,可是因为受害人非美国公民,没有首先出来寻求解决办法。 “他们没有真正代言人, ”他接着说, “可能正因为如此,没人出来大声抗议设法解决问题。 ”


        大声:    loud; loudness; in a loud vo ...
        抗议:    protest; object; remonstrate
        大声抗议,捶胸顿足。:    breast-beating
        齐声抗议:    protest in chorus
        声抗:    acoustic reactance
        抗议:    protest; object; remonstrate 正式抗议 formal (official) protest; 提出抗议 present a protest; lodge a protest with sb. against sth.; address a protest to; 抗议集会 protest rally; 抗议照会 note of protest; 抗议书 written protest; 这引起了一些抗议和愤慨。 it caused some protest and indignation. 他们对低劣的伙食提出了抗议。 they protest about the bad food
        大声:    loud; loudness; in a loud voice 大声抱怨 squawk; 大声斥责 hurl reproaches; 大声道出 thunder; 大声鼓掌 clap hand; 大声喊道 cry out; 大声喊叫 yammer; 大声抗议 yowl; 大声狂笑 shout with laughter; 大声辱 骂 insult loudly; shout insult at; 大声痛哭 bewail; 大声笑个不停 laugh loud and long; 说得大声点。 speak louder.; speak in a loud voice
        比声抗:    specific acoustic reactance; specific acoustical reactance
        负声抗:    negative acoustical reactance
        声抗比:    acoustic reactance ratio
        声抗率:    specific acoustic reactance; specificacousticalreactance; unit area acoustic reactance
        比声抗 声比抗:    specificacousticalreactance
        弹性声抗:    elastic acoustical reactance; elastic reactance; elasticacousticalreactance
        抱怨, 抗议:    complain of
        抱怨,抗议:    complain about
        反对, 抗议:    kick against
        反对,抗议:    protest
        规劝,抗议:    remonstrate
        抗议,反对:    protest n. (statement of) disapproval or objection
        抗议的:    remonstrant; remonstrative
        抗议地:    protestingly
        抗议票:    protest vote
        抗议旗:    protest flag
        抗议权:    right to protest
        抗议书:    protest



  1. "大声叫嚷"英文
  2. "大声叫嚣"英文
  3. "大声叫嚣的"英文
  4. "大声叫嚣以示反对"英文
  5. "大声叫醒某人起床"英文
  6. "大声抗议,捶胸顿足。"英文
  7. "大声恐吓某人"英文
  8. "大声哭"英文
  9. "大声哭喊"英文
  10. "大声狂笑"英文


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