

  • large-scale pelagic driftnet
  • 大型:    large-scale; large; heavy se ...
  • 远洋:    ocean of the open sea beyond ...
  • :    fail; end in failure
  • :    net
  • 远洋漂网:    pelagic driftnet


        大型:    large-scale; large; heavy se ...
        远洋:    ocean of the open sea beyond ...
        :    fail; end in failure
        :    net
        远洋漂网:    pelagic driftnet
        巨型远洋轮:    leviathan
        巨型远洋航轮:    leviathan
        禁止在南太平洋漂网捕鱼公约:    convention on the prohibition of driftnet fishing in the south pacific
        漂网:    drift net; floating net; fly net
        远洋:    1.(大洋) ocean2.(距离大陆远的海洋) of the open sea beyond the littoral zone; oceanic; the distant seas; oceangoing◇远洋班轮 ocean liner; 远洋捕捞 long range fishing; high sea fishing; 远洋捕鱼 deep-sea fishing; 远洋船(舶) oceangoing vessel [ship]; 远洋船队 marine; 远洋航行 oceangoing voyage; 远洋货轮 oceangoing freighter; 远洋贸易 ocean trade; 远洋生物 pelagic organisms; 远洋通信 transoceanic communication; 远洋拖网渔船 distant-water trawler; long distance trawler; 远洋渔业 distant-water fishery; deep-sea fishery; pelagic fishing
        【航海】漂网。:    drift net
        漂网船:    drift boat; drifter
        北大西洋漂流:    north atlantic current; north atlantic drift
        北太平洋漂流:    north pacific drift
        海洋漂浮生物:    marine neuston
        大型:    (形状或规模大的) large-scale; large; [材料] heavy section 大型彩色记录片 full-length color documentary film; 大型企业 large enterprise; 大型规划 large-scale programming; 大型运输机 giant transport aircraft; air freighter
        漂网捕鱼:    drift fishing
        漂网帆船:    sailing drifter
        漂网浮标:    bowl; buff
        漂网绞盘:    drift capstan
        漂网前张纲:    bush rope
        漂网无底网:    fly net
        漂网小渔船:    sailing drifter; sailing driver
        漂网鱼船:    drifter
        漂网渔船:    drift boat; drifter-trawler


  1. "大型预制板建筑"英文
  2. "大型预制混凝土板"英文
  3. "大型原油轮"英文
  4. "大型圆盘耙"英文
  5. "大型圆形青贮桶"英文
  6. "大型运货汽车"英文
  7. "大型运牛车"英文
  8. "大型运输包装件试验方法"英文
  9. "大型运输滑翔机"英文
  10. "大型运输机"英文


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