大地: ground; earth; the earth; mo ...在: exist; be living你: you手: hand在你手中: forbrydelser; in your hands大地在波动: la terra trema时间在你手中: time on your hands决定权在你手中: the content may be pretty much what you will我的一生在你手中: entrust my life to you静静地在你的身力: just"be"with you静静地在你的身旁: just be with you静静地在你身旁: just be with you大地在他脚下颤动: the ground quaked under his feet他无法入睡,大地在震荡: he's awaken, ground is shaking晃动的月光仍然照在你手臂上: a rocky moonlight in your arms球在你手中射出,然后在空中直入篮筐: you shoot as a gun in the air牵你手: give me your hand and hold me; give me your hand before i'm old在你: while you are about it大地: ground; earth; the earth; mother earth; the world 阳光普照大地。 the sun shines all over the world 牵你手 别放开: give me your hand and hold me我想牵你手: i want to hold your hand人在阵地在: hold one's position at all costs放你手在我心: put your hands on me你我缠你手指: you had me wrapped around your finger他不停地在咳: he has a persistent cough