A large merchant ship formerly used on trade routes to india 大商船一种大商船,历史上用作去往印度的商业航线
I lost a battle in spain , i have been defeated in trieste , but my naval army in india will have taken some galleons , and my mexican pioneers will have discovered some mine . 我在西班牙打了个败仗,我在的里雅斯特吃了次亏,但我的海军会在印度捕获到大商船,我的墨西哥先遣队会发现矿藏。 ”
Gray not only saved his money , but , being suddenly smit with the desire to rise , also studied his profession ; and he is now mate and part owner of a fine full - rigged ship ; married besides , and the father of a family 葛雷不仅没有乱花他的钱,还用功钻研航海技术。这是出于一种想出人头地的强烈愿望,现在他是一艘装备优良的大商船的合股船主兼大副,他结了婚还做了父亲。