Jane : no , he is a teacher . he is eight years older than me 简:不,他是老师,他比我大八岁呢。
War , it had a market eight times larger than any competitor , giving its industries unparalleled economies of scale 美国在二战结束后进入了如此辉煌的阶段时,她所拥有的市场比其竞争者大八倍,使她在各个行业达到无可比拟的规模。
Caderousse was , like fernand , enrolled in the army , but , being married and eight years older , he was merely sent to the frontier . old dant 卡德鲁斯也象弗尔南多一样应征入伍了,但由于他已经结婚,且比弗尔南多大八岁,所以仅被派去驻守边疆。
Mr . shaw pointed to the example of the goat island reserve in new zealand , where the largest snapper are eight times the size of snapper outside the reserve , and 14 times more numerous 邵先生以新西兰goat island海洋自然保护区为例子,体型最大的鲷鱼snapper比在保护区外的同类大八倍,数量亦多出十四倍。
When the united states entered just such a glowing period after the end of the second world war , it had a market eight times larger than any competitor , giving its industries unparalleled economies of scale 美国在二战结束后进入了如此辉煌的阶段时,她所拥有的市场比其竞争者大八倍,使她在各个行业达到无可比拟的规模。
大: big; large八: eight大八郎: daihachiro大八木: oyagi大八州: oyashima大八开图纸: flat foolscap大八字领: widespread collar七大八小: objects of various sizes thrown together巨大八叠球菌: sarcina gigantea亚历山大八世: pope alexander viii最大八迭球菌: sarcina maxima我们会成为城里的大八卦: we could be the talk across the town大扒: dapa大捌: owake大澳洲湾: great australian大澳食水配水库: tai o fresh water service reservoir大澳食水缸: tai o fresh water tank