大人: adult; grown-up; Your Excell ...国: country; nation; state巅: mountain peak; summit大人国: brobdingnag小人国大人国: tiny-huge island大人国的: brobdingnagian大人国历险记: a voyage to brobdingag大人: 大人[敬] (称长辈, 多用于书信) 父亲大人 dear father; 舅父大人 dear uncle国之: kuniyuki龙之巅: dragon pinnacle山之巅: mht-1巨人国: child's play鸟人国: landofthebirdmen小人国: lilliputian; lilliput纸人国: zhi ren guo非洲之巅: kilimanjar to the roof of africa; kilimanjaro in twilight飞扬之巅: a_a_top风暴之巅: the stormpeaks恐惧之巅: the sum of all fears欧洲之巅: top of europe生命之巅: the time of our lives世界之巅: on toof the world; toof the world(single mix); toofthe world; top of the world; world summit水城之巅: too' the town泰山之巅: the summit of taishan mountain特加德之巅: utgarde pinnacle