

发音:   "大不韪"的汉语解释   用"大不韪"造句
  • great crime
  • :    big; large
  • 不韪:    fault; error
  • 冒大不韪:    risk universal condemnation; defy the universal will of the people; defy world opinion; disregard universal condemnation; fly in the face of the will of the people; willing to do unlawful things
  • 冒天下之大不韪:    be against the world; defy world opinion; defy the universal will of the people; despite world condemnation; in defiance of world opinion; fly in the face of the will of the people; risk universal condemnation
  • 不韪:    [书面语] (过失; 不对) fault; error


  1. The fact is, she was very much perturbed at taking this unusual step .
  2. Writing in english is the most ingenious torture ever devised for sins committed in previous lives . the english reading public explains the reason why
  3. Mr grushko hit out : " we are being punished for observing our own constitution which is not just unfair and unacceptable but even contradicts common sense .


        :    big; large
        不韪:    fault; error
        冒大不韪:    risk universal condemnation; defy the universal will of the people; defy world opinion; disregard universal condemnation; fly in the face of the will of the people; willing to do unlawful things
        冒天下之大不韪:    be against the world; defy world opinion; defy the universal will of the people; despite world condemnation; in defiance of world opinion; fly in the face of the will of the people; risk universal condemnation
        不韪:    [书面语] (过失; 不对) fault; error
        与全世界为敌, 冒天下之大不韪:    against the world
        大不:    proportion
        大不过:    at the most
        大不敬:    great disrespect to one's superior; great disrespect to one's seniors
        大不了:    1.(至多) at the worst; if the worst comes to the worst 大不了再从头开始。 if the worst comes to the worst, we'll start all over again.2.(了不得, 多用于否定式) alarming; serious 这不是什么大不了的成就。 it's not so remarkable a success
        大不同:    sorority boy
        不大不小:    neither too big nor too little
        大不里士:    tabrizi
        大不了的:    ripsnorting
        大不列颠:    great britain
        大不列颠岛:    great britain i
        大不列颠的:    britannic; british
        大不列颠人:    british; briton
        大不列合王:    united kingdom of great britain and ireland
        大不列王:    kingdom of great britain
        大不谓然:    greatly differ; hold entirely different views; definitely regard it as wrong; greatly oppose it
        大不相同:    be very different; be quite different (from ...); be quite a different pair of shoes; entirely and totally different
        大不相同的:    a far cry
        大大不然:    it is quite another story
        父女大不同:    what a girl wants


        大不韪的韩语:[명사]【문어】 큰 죄악. 비행.
        大不韪什么意思:公认的不是或过错。    ▶ 清 王夫之 《读通鉴论‧汉哀帝一》: “人之能为大不韪者, 非其能无所惧也, 唯其能无所耻也。”    ▶ 梁启超 《论书法》: “即以旧史家之理论律之, 其视 魏徵 之事 唐 , 罪固可末减焉矣, 而 雄 独蒙此大不韪之名。”


  1. "大不列王"英文
  2. "大不同"英文
  3. "大不谓然"英文
  4. "大不相同"英文
  5. "大不相同的"英文
  6. "大布"英文
  7. "大布埃尔塔"英文
  8. "大布道家陶雷、司密斯"英文
  9. "大布尔卢克"英文
  10. "大布格韦德尔"英文


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