Less common reagents that attack polymers include acids, bases . 比较不常见的浸蚀多聚物的化学浸蚀物有酸、碱。
Comparative study of extraction methods of extracellular polymeric substances from activated sludge 活性污泥胞外多聚物提取方法的比较
Test method for shear stability of polymer containing fluids using a european diesel injector apparatus at 30 and 90 cycles 使用欧洲柴油机注射装置的含多聚物的液流的剪切稳定性的试验方法
It can be classified into three categories , such as short chain length ( scl ) phas , medium chain length ( mcl ) phas , and phas containing monomer of hb and has ( hydroxyalkanoates ) 聚羟基脂肪酸酯( polyhydroxyalkanoates , phas )是细菌细胞中的一种多聚物,可分为短链pha 、中链pha及含短链与中链单体的pha 。
Chitosan is the product of partial deacetylation of chitin they are the second most abundant polysaccharides in nature , comprising the horny substance in the exoskeletons of crabs , shrimp , and insects as well as fungi 背景和目的几丁质是由n -乙酰葡萄糖胺组成的多糖,它是世界上除纤维素之外含量最丰富的天然多聚物。