Hrtvu has close ties with all walks of life . it lays stress on running multi - form schools relying on enterprises , institutions , universities and colleges . many trades , systems and organizations have set up rtvu classes 河北广播电视大学与社会各界有着密切的联系,十分注重依托企事业单位科研院校和兄弟高校开展多种形式的联合办学。全省许多行业系统和团体都设有电大教学班。
多种: multiple; various; diversifi ...形式: form; shape; layout; modalit ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...联合: unite; ally多种形式的合作: diversified forms of co-operation多种形式的经济责任制: multiform economic responsibility systems多种形式的经营责任制: verschiedene formen pl.des managementgebundenen verantwortungssystem多种形式的生产责任制: verschiedene formen pl. des verantwortlichkeitssystems für produktion多种形式: diverse forms; multiway; some form of; various ways各种形式的: multiform多种形式的包干制和责任制: verschiedene formen pl.des vertragsgebundenen systems und des verantwortlichkeitssystems发展多种形式的产学研结合: promote the integration of production teaching and research in a variety of approaches; promote the integration of production, teaching and research in a variety of approaches; promote the integration of production, teaching and research in a variety of approaches有两种形式的: twiformed有三种形式的: triformed这种形式的诗: alexandrine多种形式打印机: multiple printing machine公有制的多种形式: verschiedene formen pl.des gemeineigentums多种组合形式的: polymorphic等第二部分有多种形式: venenum反对各种形式的恐怖主义: be opposed to all forms of terrorism痛恨各种形式的恐怖主义: abhor terrorism in all its forms and manifestations多种业务的联合销售组织: umbrella joint marketing organization多种形态的: variform多种形状的: multiform三种形式的整合型管理体系: integrated management systems