Through integrated usage of multiple - source information , data fusion can get more objective and intrinsic knowledge of certain target 通过多源信息融合,可以克服单一传感器影像中数据的模糊性,提高信息利用率,增强数据的可靠性和多用性。
It is source of blazing new trails , basis of seeking orders , much important to the multi - objective mineral prediction and assessment based on systematic studies of the inhomogeneity , diversity , variety , intergrowth law , multiple properties and uses of earth mineral resources , the multi - objective mineral prediction and assessment goes deeply into practice from seeking anomaly or / and difference to order or / and law of ore - forming 求异是创新之源、求序之本,更是多目标矿产预测评价之关键。充分认识地球矿物质组成的不均一性、多样性、多变性、共生性和多用性等特征与规律,在求异的基础上求序,在求序的指导下进行科学预测与评价。