多: many; much; more机构: mechanism执行: carry out; execute; implemen ...执行工作队: implementation task force; itf特别执行工作队: special delivery task force执行工作台: executive workbench联合国机构执行: united nations agency execution改进执行工作: improve implementation执行工作线程: worker thread机构间工作队: inter-agency task force可执行工作负荷模型: executable work-load model已执行工作实际成本: acwactual cost of work performed; acwp=actual cost of work performed已执行工作预算成本: bcwbudgeted cost of work performed; budgeted cost of work performed机构间森林工作队: inter-agency task force on forests机构间数据工作队: inter-agency task force on data残疾问题机构间工作队: inter-agency task force on disability issues共同事务机构间工作队: inter-agency task force on common services衡量贫穷机构间工作队: inter-agency task force on the measurement of poverty环境统计机构间工作队: inter-agency task force on environment statistics机构间财务统计工作队: inter-agency task force on finance statistics机构间地球观察工作队: inter-agency earthwatch working party机构间服务统计工作队: inter-agency task force on services statistics机构间国民账户工作队: inter-agency task force on national accounts机构间价格统计工作队: inter-agency task force on price statistics减灾问题机构间工作队: inter-agency task force on disaster reduction
多机构执行工作队的法语:équipe spéciale d’exécution interorganisations多机构执行工作队的俄语:межучрежденческая целевая группа по вопросам осуществления多机构执行工作队的阿拉伯语:فرقة عمل مشتركة بين الوكالات معنية بالتنفيذ;