

发音:   用"多敏感"造句
  • cosensitize


  1. So many young sensitive people write really bad poetry
  2. More sensitive chemical analysis methods mean that smaller and smaller amounts of contaminants are detected , reported and acted on
  3. State and observation equations of each subsystem are established . filter algorithms of each subsystem and federated filter algorithms , centralized filter algorithms are also analyzed . when the sampling periods of the main filter and the subfilters are supposed to be different , the attitude determination effect is investigated and the computer simulation is done
  4. This thesis , taking geosynchronous satellite as an example , studies systematically and thoroughly the multi - sensor information fusion technology , studies fault diagnosis and system rebuild technology in satellite attitude control system , and studies autonomous navigation , orbital keeping technology


        :    many; much; more
        敏感:    sensitive; susceptible; tact ...
        多敏感点法:    multiple sensitive point method
        多敏感性:    multisensibility
        师多敏主教:    bishopozzoni dominic mem
        敏感:    sensitive; susceptible; tactful 敏感的皮肤 sensitive skin; 政治敏感 political sensitivity; 对讽刺很敏感 be very susceptible to satire; 过分敏感 oversensitive; hypersensitive; 敏感地区 sensitive area; 敏感度 [工业] sensitiveness; susceptibility; sensitivity (生理); explosive sensitivity (炸药); 敏感区 [物理学] sensitizing range; 敏感市场 sensitive market; 敏感性能 sensitive property; 敏感状态 sensitiveness
        敏感菌 敏感菌:    sensitiveorganism
        鼻敏感:    hay fever
        变敏感:    sensitize
        不敏感:    have a thick skin; insensitive; insensitivity
        对…敏感:    se itive to; sensitive to
        防敏感:    anti-allergy
        光敏感:    photaesthesia
        减敏感:    desensitization
        灵敏感:    sensibility
        敏感, 灵敏:    be sensitive to
        敏感棒:    sensitive rod
        敏感比:    sensitivity ratio
        敏感层:    sensitive layer
        敏感的:    delicate; impressible; impressionable; nice; quick; responsive; se itive; sensible; sensitive; senstive; subtile; subtle; susceptible; susceptive; thin-skinned; touchy
        敏感地:    sensitively
        敏感点:    a trigger point; sensitive point; sensitive spots; trigger point
        敏感度:    degree of se itivene; degree of se itivity; degree of sensitiveness; degree of sensitivity; se itivity points; sensibility; sensitiveness of reading; sensitivity points; susceptibility; susceptiveness
        敏感化:    sensitization
        敏感件:    position sensing unit; position-sensing unit


  1. "多民族国家"英文
  2. "多民族教育"英文
  3. "多民族企业"英文
  4. "多民族中心论"英文
  5. "多民族种群"英文
  6. "多敏感点法"英文
  7. "多敏感性"英文
  8. "多明"英文
  9. "多明顿"英文
  10. "多明哥"英文


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