

发音:   用"多干扰"造句


  1. Investigation and realization of an automatic inspectoral system of infrared target simulator
  2. Associated with spiritual enlightenment and blessing , it s purity can help to bring alignment with the whole energy system - some healers feel that it is a symbol of a perfectly balanced energy field
  3. Healing with crystal in some form has been practiced by almost every culture on earth . certainly , they are not all wrong ! there are many types and colors of crystals and each one is accredited with a spectrum of healing properties
  4. There are many types and colors of crystals and each one is accredited with a spectrum of healing properties . i encourage you to do additional research on your own to gain more knowledge about the healing properties of crystals


        :    many; much; more
        干扰:    disturb; obstruct; jam; back ...
        多干扰近端串话:    mdnext multiple-disturber next
        蒲朗多干扰因素:    prandtl's interference factor
        多干的:    polycormic
        多干形整枝:    palmette training; palmettetraining
        多干修枝法:    multiple-stem system; multiple-stemsystem
        多干芽接树:    multiple-stem budding
        少说多干:    last talk, most work
        少许愿,多干事:    promise little and do much
        水平多干枝:    horizontal palmette
        斜生多干形:    obliquepalmette
        干扰:    disturb; obstruct; jam; backdrop; interference; beating; mush; tamper; trouble; lapse; brushing; molestation; disturbance; crossfire; obstacle; perturbation; upset; [电学] jamming; pick-up (邻近电路或电台的) 反干扰 counteract interference; 磁场干扰 magnetic disturbance; 相长[消] 干扰 [物理学] constructive [destructive] interference; 来自外国广播电台的干扰 interference from foreign broadcasting station; 它将严重干扰工作的进展。 it will seriously interfere with the progress of the work. 许多学生发生这种错误是由于母语的干扰。 many students' error occurs because of mother-tongue interference
        多干路冗余连接:    port trunking
        rna干扰:    rna interference
        包干扰:    packet interference
        波干扰:    wave interference
        不干扰:    noninterference
        插入,干扰:    intervene
        磁干扰:    magnetic disturbance
        打扰,干扰:    disturbance n. things that distract one’s mind
        道干扰:    co-channel interference
        电干扰:    electrical interference
        对…干扰:    interference with; key to
        反干扰:    counter-jamming; anti-disturbance; anti-interference; defruiting


  1. "多钙血"英文
  2. "多盖"英文
  3. "多盖拉瓦"英文
  4. "多干的"英文
  5. "多干路冗余连接"英文
  6. "多干扰近端串话"英文
  7. "多干形整枝"英文
  8. "多干修枝法"英文
  9. "多干芽接树"英文
  10. "多甘"英文


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