石: dan,a unit of dry measure fo ...多石: to shek多多: doddo; dodow; many; tada; tata; toronto blue jays; toronto maple leafs多石的: stony多石地: stony ground多石的, 无情的: stony多石地犁体: stony bottom多石环境的: lithophilous多石灰水泥: overlimed cement多石基质: dopatic多石英砂: quartzose sand多石英质: doquaric童山多石: bare hills with numerous stones阿多多: adodo多多部: tatabe多多大: university of toronto多多地: toronto subway and rt多多尔: dodor多多井: tatai多多克: dodoc多多拉: dodola多多勒: dodol多多里: dodori多多利: doddoli; tatari多多良: tatara