The evolution of morphological characters in this complex is discussed . 2 . clonal plant ecology a . ageratoides complex is a clonal plant 2克隆植物生态学三脉紫菀多倍体复合体是能进行克隆生长的克隆植物。
Based on extensive field observation and population sampling in 71 populations of 20 provinces , this dissertation investigates morphology , ecology , cytology , cytogeography and its sequences of this complex . the results show that a . ageratoides polyploid complex might be originated in northeastern china , from which it migrated along three different routes 本研究基于对我国20个省、市、自治区43个地点71个三脉紫菀复合体居群的野外观察和采集,从形态学、生态学、细胞学、细胞地理学和分子生物学等各方面,对三脉紫菀多倍体复合体进行了综合性研究。