多余: unnecessary; more than what ...劳动力: labour force; work force; la ...富余劳动力: surplus labor剩余劳动力: surplus labor force; surplus labourers农村富余劳动力: surplus rural labor农村剩余劳动力: surplus rural labour (labourers); surplus rural labourers; surplus rural workers剩余劳动力市场: surplus labor market农村剩余劳动力转移: verlagerung f.der überschüssigen lndlichen arbeitskrfte转移农村富余劳动力: transfer surplus rural labor to nonagricultural jobs剩余劳动: mehrarbeit f剩余劳动时间: surplus labor time剩余劳动占有: appropriation of surplus labor相对剩余劳动: relative surplus labor剩余劳动的占有: appropriation of surpluslabor劳动力: 1.(人力) labour force; work force; labour 劳动力不足 short of manpower; shorthanded; 劳动力费用低廉 low-paid labour; 调剂劳动力 adjust the use of the labour force2.(劳动能力) capacity for physical labour 丧失劳动力 lose one's ability to work; 3.(有劳动能力的人) able-bodied person 全劳动力和半劳动力 able-bodied and semi-ablebodied (farm) workers; 劳动力安排 arrangement of labour; 劳动力储备 fund of labour; 劳动力调配 allocation of the labour force; deployment of manpower; 劳动力分配 distribution of labour force; 劳动力价格 price of labour power; 劳动力价值 value of labour power; 劳动力结构 structure of the labour force; 劳动力买卖 buying and selling of labour power; 劳动力使用 utilization of labour; 劳动力市场 market for labour; the labour service; the employment agency; market for manpower; 劳动力需求 labour demand; 劳动力资源 human [labour] resources; pool of labour power 劳动力, 劳动大军: labor force劳动力;劳动人口: labour force劳动人口;劳动力: labour force半劳动力: one able to do light manual labour only; semi-able-bodied or part-time (farm) worker抽调劳动力: transfer of manpower调剂劳动力: adjust the use of labor force调配劳动力: deployment of labor force囤积劳动力: labour hoarding辅助劳动力: auxiliary man-power; subsidiary labour power妇女劳动力: female power; women power