干扰: disturb; obstruct; jam; back ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...近: near; close端: end; extremity串音: babble; crosstalk近端串音: near end crosstalk; near-end crosstalk反射近端串音: reflected near-end crosstalk近端串音衰减: near-end crosstalk attenuation近端串音损耗: near-end crosstalk loss; next near end cross talk loss近端串线干扰: next near end cross talk loss近端串音的功率和: psnextpower sum next不受干扰的近投: crip shot多干扰近端串话: mdnext multiple-disturber next端串音: end cross-talk近端串话, 近端串扰: near-end crosstalk远端串音: dext (distant end crosstalk); far-end cross talk; far-end crosstalk近端串话: next near end crosstalk近端串扰: near-end crosstalk; next: near end crosstalk干扰的: disturbed; disturbing; interferential; interfering远端串音衰减: far-end crosstalk attenuation远端串音损耗: far-end crosstalk loss综合近端串扰: psnt ponver sum next等电平远端串音: equal level far end crosstalk实线间的远端串音: side-to-side far-end crosstalk远端串音防卫度: far-end crosstalk ratio