The environmental pressure also raised the prospect of costly delays , to the ire of the customers who have pre - purchased much of the anticipated gas 来自环保方面的压力也使得项目更加可能成本高昂的推迟完工,令预先购买了未来外运的天然气的消费者暴怒不已。
Xuanhua - datong speedway is a over loading traffic mountainous highway in hebei and an important routeway for carrying coal from shanxi . to exert benefits of xuanhua - datong speedway sufficiently , measuring traffic ability of bridges is important 宣化一大同高速公路河北段是一条重载交通的山区高速公路,也是晋煤外运的主要通道之一;为了充分发挥宣大高速公路的效益,科学地测算其桥梁的通行能力,是非常重要的。
Datong city , site of our company , is the second largest city of shanxi province . it is both the joint point of tongpu and jingbao railway and the golden corridor of transporting raw coal of shanxi province to others through daqin railway . we also have convenient airways including datong - taiyuan , daton - beijing 公司所在地大同市为山西第二大城市,是同蒲京包铁路交汇处,有晋煤外运的黄金通道大-秦线民航亦比较方便,已开通了大同-太原大同-北京大同-广州等航线。