Firstly establish it mathematical modal , research the affect of the system character by the system parameter and bring forward the method improving system character when the load is outside power 在建立精校机电液位置伺服系统数学模型的基础上,当负载为外负载力时,研究了系统参数对系统性能的影响,提出一些改善系统性能的方法。
However , in modern times the electro - hydraulic servo - system is living that the system work - point frequently is changing in great scope , moreover can stand the powerful outward load interference , thereby the increment linear pattern is difficult to prove effective 然而,近代电液伺服系统在工作过程中系统的工作点往往是在较大范围内变化,并且能够承受较强的外负载干扰,从而使增量线性化模型难于奏效。
Taking advantage of the good points of the fuzzy control adjusting the flow rate of the pump according to the variation of the external load by fuzzy inference , the energy saving of the excavator is accomplished without the help of the modelling of its whole complex system 此方案利用模糊控制的优点,绕过对挖掘机复杂来系统模型的建立,通过模糊推理算法,根据外负载的变化动态调整泵的流量,达到节能的目的。
The result shows that the design system has good static characters and dynamic characters . the factors of the hydraulic system , such as the line size , the backed pressure , the inertia of the rotary parts and the load magnitude has different effect on the system ' s behaviors 液压系统中管道长度、直径,系统背压,运动部件转动惯量,外负载等因素变化对系统的静动态特性具有不同程度的影响,其中管道直径、系统背压、外负载等因素对系统的性能影响较大。
According to the characteristics of the piston pump when it works with the diesel engine , the different outer load leads to different rotational speed and mechanics characteristics of the piston . in order to learn the property of the movement and mechanics of the piston but not experimentalize , simulink which is the simulation toolbox of matlab ( the most popular large - scale mathematic software ) is carried out to simulate the process of the movement and the receiving force of the piston 根据发动机和全功率轴向柱塞泵的工作特性,柱塞泵在受到的外负载不同时,柱塞的转速和受力情况就不一样,为了能在不做实验的情况下就能了解柱塞的运动特性和受力特点,利用现在最为流行的大型数学软件matlab的仿真工具箱simulink对其进行了运动和受力的仿真分析。