

  • suture of external ear
  • 外耳:    external ear; auris externa
  • :    seam
  • :    art; skill; technique
  • 耳缝术:    ear suture; suture of ear
  • 外耳:    [生理学] external ear; auris externa◇外耳炎 otitis externa; 外耳门 porus acusticus externus


        外耳:    external ear; auris externa
        :    seam
        :    art; skill; technique
        耳缝术:    ear suture; suture of ear
        外耳:    [生理学] external ear; auris externa◇外耳炎 otitis externa; 外耳门 porus acusticus externus
        缝术:    sutura; suture
        白耳缝叶莺:    white-eared tailorbird
        耳缝合术:    ear suture; suture of ear
        外耳孔,外耳门:    external auditory foramen
        外耳门,外耳孔:    foramen auditoria externa
        外耳道:    acoustic meatus/external auditory canal; canales auricularis; esternal auditory meatus; extemal canal; exterior auditory canal; external auditory canal (meatus); external auditory foramen; external auditory foramina; external auditory meatus; external canal auditory; meatus acusticus externus; meatus auditorius externus
        外耳肌:    extrinsic auricular muscles
        外耳孔:    external acoustic foramen; porus acusticus externus
        外耳门:    external acoustic foramen; external acoustic pore; porus acusicus externus; porus acusticus externus
        外耳突:    processus acousticus externus
        外耳炎:    external otitis; otitis external
        右外耳:    right external ear
        左外耳:    left external ear
        鼻缝术:    rhinorrhaphy
        肠缝术:    enterorrhaphy
        唇缝术:    cheilorrhaphy; suture of lip
        肺缝术:    pneumonorihaphy
        肝缝术:    hepatorrhaphy; suturae hepatis; suture of liver
        骨缝术:    osteorrhaphia; osteorrhaphy; osteosynthesis; suturae ostealis
        喉缝术:    laryngorrhaphy; suture of larynx


  1. "外耳道用刮匙"英文
  2. "外耳道整形术"英文
  3. "外耳道重建术"英文
  4. "外耳道疖"英文
  5. "外耳蜂窝织炎"英文
  6. "外耳割治疗法"英文
  7. "外耳刮除术"英文
  8. "外耳管道病损切除术"英文
  9. "外耳管外生骨疣"英文
  10. "外耳和中耳的传音作用"英文


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