外: outside; external side太空: the firmament; outer space生物学: biology太空生物学: astrobiology; space biology天体生物学;太空生物学: astrobiology太空生物说: cosmozoic theory高空生物学: aerobiology航空生物学: aerobiology外空生物学: exobiology; xenobiology探索太空生物: life in the outer space外太空: outer ace; dee ace; outer space, outer space; outer space; deespace太空生活: extraterrestrial life进入外太空: to enter outer space决战外太空: space duel梦游外太空: dans ma fusee外太空沉积物: cosmic sediment外太空大阴谋: plan from outer space外太空沈积物: cosmic sediment外星人,外太空人。: saucerman宇航员的太空生活: life of an astronaut in spacediscovery系列-来自外太空: discovery from outer space外太空九号计画: plan 9 from outer space外太空来的僵尸: zombies of the stratosphere宇宙空间[外太空]时代。: space age外太空是我们相聚的地方: outer space is where we get together