外地: other places; nonlocal; part ...联络: get in touch with; come into ...科: a branch of academic or voca ...外地联络官: field liaison officers支助和联络科: support and liaison section空对地联络码: air-ground liaison code外地: other places; nonlocal; parts of the country other than where one is 北影摄制组下个月去外地拍外景。 the production unit of the beijing film studio will leave beijing for other parts of the country to film the exterior next month网络科: nss登地联: dundee united f.c联络: (接触; 联系) get in touch with; come into contact with; contact; liaison 联络感情 make friendly contacts; 用电话联络 get in touch by telephone; 联络顺畅。 liaison is smooth. 谈判者充当劳资双方的联络人。 the negotiator acted as liaison between labour and management.; 联络车 liaison car; 联络处 liaison office; 联络单位 liaison unit; 联络电话 talk-back; 联络灯 assignment lamp; 联络点 contact point; 联络官 liaison officer; 联络机 liaison airplane; 联络角色 liaison role; 联络区 association area; 联络通信 netting; 联络网 liaison net; 联络线 interconnection; junctor; tie line; call wire;联络员 liaison man 网络科技: network technology基地联队: wing; base南地联盟: southland网络科幻小说: cyber punk网络科幻协会: csfu高地土地联盟: highland land league美殖民地联盟: colonial athletic association我恰当地联合: tempero=i combine properly堤外地: waterside foreland; waterside land格外地: abnormally; extraordinarily; inordinately; notably例外地: abnormally; exceptionally排外地: exclusivelly; exclusively题外地: digressively外地槽: deltageosyncline; exogeosyncline; foredeep外地的: ecdemic; extratelluric; out-of-town