

  • complex cell receptive field
  • 复杂:    complex; complicated
  • :    mould; model
  • 感受:    be affected by
  • :    land within certain boundari ...
  • 超复杂感受域:    hypercomplex cell receptive field


        复杂:    complex; complicated
        :    mould; model
        感受:    be affected by
        :    land within certain boundari ...
        超复杂感受域:    hypercomplex cell receptive field
        感受域:    receptive field
        复杂型材:    complex sections
        空间复杂型:    spatial complex
        视网膜感受域:    retinal receptive field
        复杂型芯铸造:    intricate cored casting
        持续型感受器:    sustained receptor
        多觉型感受器:    polymodal receptor
        复杂型芯的铸件:    intricate cored casting
        子宫内膜复杂型增生过长:    complex hyperplasia of endometrium
        接受域:    acceptable region; acceptableregion; acceptance domain; acceptance region
        掺杂型:    doping type
        混杂型:    hybrid
        可接受域:    acceptable region; acceptance region
        复杂:    complicated; complex; sophisticated; intricate 复杂的心情 mixing feelings; 情况复杂。 the situation is complicated. 故事情节复杂。 the story is very complicated. 下棋的走法不但多种多样, 而且错综复杂。 the moves in chess are not only manifold, but involute. 形势显得极为复杂。 the situation presents great complexity
        感受:    1.(受到; 接受) be affected by 感受风寒 be affected by the cold; catch cold2.(接触外界事物得到的影响) experience; feel 强烈的感受 intensive experience; 他叙说自己洗蒸汽浴的感受。 he narrated his own personal experience of the turkish bath
        毛型感:    woolly aspect
        混杂型动脉:    arteries of hybrid type; arterys of mixed type
        槽型感应炉:    channel type induction furnace
        齿型感知器:    toothedsensor
        顿挫型感染:    abortive infection; unsymptomatic infection


  1. "复杂相关关系"英文
  2. "复杂协调能力试验"英文
  3. "复杂信号"英文
  4. "复杂信息处理"英文
  5. "复杂型材"英文
  6. "复杂型芯的铸件"英文
  7. "复杂型芯铸造"英文
  8. "复杂形式"英文
  9. "复杂形状"英文
  10. "复杂形状模"英文


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