The activity of exploration for oil and gas all around the world can be divided into three stages i . e . early stage for tectonic traps , the middle stage for complex traps and the late stage for lithologic - stratigraphic traps 国内外大量油气勘探研究成果表明:任何一个地区的油气勘探都要经历三个阶段,即早期的构造圈闭勘探阶段,中期的复合圈闭勘探阶段和晚期的地层岩性圈闭勘探阶段。
5 . the most common types of oil - gas traps in mahu depression are lithological traps together with the complex traps derived from them that controlled by lithology , anticline , fault and over pressure of strata , etc . favorable prospecting targets of mahu depression are pointed out 5 、玛湖凹陷油气圈闭类型主要是以岩性圈闭为主的隐蔽圈闭,以及受岩性、背斜、断层、地层压力条件等控制的复合圈闭。
2 . tazhong ancient uplift originated from normal fault in paleozoic , hydrocarbon formed in ordovician period , structure reverse made tazhong uplift form from the middle ordovician period to the late ordovician period , and it provided geologic background for the deposit of silurian - devonian stratum . tazhong uplift formed at the end devonian , ancient reservoir was destroyed and asphaltum sandstone formed , structure deformation more destroyed ancient reservoir in early permian , after then the major of structure deformation is regulation 塔中隆起源于早古生代拉张背景下的正断层,寒武-奥陶纪为其烃源岩形成的重要时期;早奥陶世末-晚奥陶世末的构造反转是塔中隆起的主要形成期,同时也为志留系形成地层及复合圈闭提供了古地理背景;志留?泥盆纪塔里木盆地南北缘均转为活动大陆边缘,形成了大量的断裂和不整合;泥盆纪末塔中鼻状隆起基本定型,古油藏遭受破坏,形成了沥青砂岩;早二叠世晚期的构造变形使古油藏遭受进一步的破坏;二叠纪后构造变动主要以调节为主。
( 4 ) the formation and growth of structural traps and stratigraphic - unconformity traps in the area is controlled by three compressive stages of silurian - devonian , late permian - tertiary and oligocene - quaternary ; non - structural and compound traps mainly grew in the early paleozoic . structural traps mostly grew in the late paleozoic and the cenozoic and mostly grew on the north and south belts ; non - structural traps mostly grew in the northern area of the hetian concave . most traps in the area formed or typed at last in the himalayan episode , dispersed on the north and south belts ( 4 )研究区构造与地层不整合圈闭的形成和发育受志留-泥盆纪、晚二叠世-第三纪、渐新世-第四纪三个挤压阶段的控制;早古生代主要发育非构造圈闭和复合圈闭,晚古生代和新生代则主要发育构造圈闭:构造圈闭主要发育在南北两带上,其次为中带;非构造圈闭主要发育在和田凹陷以北的地区;研究区内大多数圈闭是喜山期形成或最终定型的,在南北两带都有分布,而海西期圈闭主要分布于研究区中带玛南构造带处。
According to the deposit mained lithologic trap , lithologic - structure complex trap , the sedimentary system research is the base of reservoir assessment and prognosis . the gas concentration of shanxi group and xiashihezi group of permain system in tabamiao area was mainly constrolled by sedimentary facies belt . therefore , it is an important content in this geological research area that study sedimentary systems character of object layers , research combined character of subfacies and microfacies , and its regular between vertical evolution and reservoir sand bodies 对于以岩性圈闭、岩性?构造复合圈闭为主的气藏,开展沉积体系的研究是进行储层评价和预测的基础,和鄂尔多斯岔地其它地区一样,塔巴庙区块二叠系山西组和下石盒子组气层的富集主要受沉积相带的控制,因此,区内目的层段的沉积体系特征、亚微相组合特征、垂向演化规律和有利储集砂体分布规律的研究就成为该区地质研究的一项重要内容。