Literary archaist movement initiated by the seven gentlemen in the the ming dynasty 论明七子的文学复古运动
The relationship between the quot; back to the ancients quot; literary drive and the theory of wang yangming 文学复古运动与阳明心学之关系
Radical and narrow - minded : the fatal weakness of restoring the acient ways of literature in the ming dynasty 明代七子派文学复古运动的致命伤
This article examines the backgrounds , contents and influences of both movements through a furtive glance to the development in confucianism of the tang dynasty 本文即从两次复古运动的背景、内容及影响方面探寻,以窥探唐代儒学发展之一隅,同时探询唐代儒学的走向规律。
This argument is quite helpful in sorting out the complicated relations of the former seven scholars to the idealist philosophy of cheng - zhu and the yangming philosophy of the mind , thus deepening the study of the scholars ' restoration of antiquity 确立此点有助于理清前七子与程朱理学、阳明心学之间的复杂关系,从而把明代前后七子文学复古运动的研究引向深入。
运动: arrange things or get things ...复古: restoration; return to the acients复古的: reaationary复古风: retro蒙古运输公司: mongolian transport co索尔德古运河: ancien can. de la sauldre; sauldre ancien can. de la崇洋复古: worship the foreign (art) and revive the ancient (art)复古的衣裳: vintage clothes复古地下铁: retro metro复古沙子: antique brushed chrome复古一下: steback in time复古主义: doctrine of back to the ancients复古主义者: reactionist希腊复古式: greek revival复古民谣团体: brian kennedy演唱,复古民谣团体: brian kennedy运动: 运动[旧时用语] arrange things or get things done through pull看秋成的反复古主义思想: akinari's rejection of following ancient maxims as shown in tales of moonlight and rain乐队 初生之犊 复古概念的全新摇滚作品: jet cet born elektra运动,运动会: sport运动;(体育)运动: do sport运动;游戏;运动会: sport爱运动: athletic摆运动: pendular motion; pendulum motion被运动: passive movement