备用: reserve; spare; alternate; b ...大: big; large锚: anchor紧急: urgent; pressing; critical; ...时: shí]赖以: rely; depend获得: acquire; gain; obtain; win; ...安全: safe; secure; safety; securi ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...事物: thing; object; arrangement紧急时赖以获得安全的事物: sheet-anchor备用大锚: best bower; first bower; sheet anchor备用的事物: standby noun安全的,获得,保卫: secure以获得: offer subject to export/import license紧急时: at a push备用右大锚: best bower备用艏大锚: waist anchor可以获得: gettable; have / gain acce to; have / gain access to; have access to; have/gain access to; have/gain access to文件以获得: config.sys紧急时间: crash time紧急时刻: critical time; in the hour of need; only time备用船首大锚: sheet anchor; waist anchor可以获得(或接近)……: have / gain access to普遍可以获得: universalize access