处于: be同一: same; identical平面: plane; two dimensions; flat ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...同一平面的: conplane; coplanar在同一平面的: coplanar同一平面: at grade同一平面;地面: at grade在同一平面上: at grade; auf gleicher ebene in-plane处于同一起跑线: put… on the same platform and at the same starting point让…处于同一起跑线: put… on the same platform and at the same starting point同一水平面的: horizontal coplanar装置在同一平面上的组件: flush fittings属于同一代: belong to the same generation于同一部分: inp aeq; inpartes aequales空间做曲线且在同一平面内: no general sketch归于同一结论: tend to the same conclusion属于同一范畴: fall into the same category属于同一范围: in the front of均一平面波: uniform plane wave单一平面曲轴: single plane crankshaft均一平面状态: uniform plane state平面的: areal; at-grade; complanate; flat; of two dimensions; plain; planar; planiform; planimetric; two-dimensional处于同样的困境: in the same box属于同一时代的: belong to the same time of the present time modern