处于: be可以: can; may使用状态: user mode情况: circumstances; situation; co ...良好: good; fine处于可以使用状态情况良好手续完好: in order完整无损, 处于良好状态, 健康情况良好: in good shape处于使用状态: in operational service情况良好: in a fine fix; in good condition; in good order; in satisfactory condition; tgr情况良好的: well-conditioned接收情况良好: rf reception fair试验情况良好: the test is okay and it can be accepted收音情况良好: reception is good. have good acoustics天气情况良好: weather conditions are good形式上, 情况良好: in form运行情况良好: things gone right不可以使用: unuseble后可以使用: zoom可以使用: charm,conceal,light,silence,paralyze,command; gain access to可以使用的: operative可以使用在: aj你可以使用: a lesser restoration spell在传送情况良好时可以收到外国电台: when the transmission is good foreign stations can be heard处于备用状态: standing ready for use假如健康情况良好: given good health i hope to finish the work this year