- play fast and loose
- 处世: conduct oneself in society
- 轻率: hasty frank; straightforward
- 处世: conduct oneself in society 处世哲学 philosophy of life; 处世之道 ways of life; ways of the world; the way of conducting oneself in society; the way of dealing with the world; 为人处世品行方正的人受人敬佩。 a man of irreproachable conduct commands the respect of others
- 轻率: rash; hasty; indiscreet 轻率从事 act rashly; do sth. rash; make light of a task; 轻率的决定 hasty decision; 轻率的态度 reckless attitude; 作了轻率的许诺 make a rash promise; 轻率的言词 hasty words; 轻率的意见 light opinions; 轻率下结论 rush to a conclusison; 她的态度是轻率的。 her attitude was reckless
- 轻率,鲁莽: rashness