声: sound; voice达: extend行: go声达: sodar; soundradar瑞声达: gn resound; resound朱声达: zhu shengda发达行: fat tat hong汇达行: worldtex&company利达行: i & d associated; l & d holdings ltd; l and d holdings ltd万达行: manta & co永达行: wing tat hong声达距离: audible range到达行李: received luggage必达行有限公司: k. p. tseng & co. ltd安地卡及巴布达行政区划: parishes and dependencies of antigua and barbuda安提瓜和巴布达行政区划: parishes of antigua and barbuda联合国巴格达行政股: united nations administrative unit - baghdad显达行企业有限公司: hsin tang enterprises co., ltd张达行企业有限公司: chang & co. ltd关于向国外送达行政文书的欧洲公约: s relating to administrative matters亚太经社会区域人力资源开发雅加达行动计划: jakarta plan of action on human resources development in the esca region声带: 1.[生理学] vocal cords; plica vocalis; coval fold2.[电影] sound track声带, 声襞: chordae vocales; phonatory bands; plicae vocalis; true vocal cord; vocal cord声带癌: vocal cord carcinoma声存储器: acoustic atorage; acoustic memory; acoustic storage; sonic memory; sonic storage声带剥脱术: stripping of vocal cords