- acoustic resonance
- acoustical resonance
- 声: sound; voice
- 共鸣: resonance; resonate; consona ...
- 共鸣: 1.[物理学] (因共振而发声) (acoustic) resonance; resonate; consonance2.(引起相同的情绪) sympathy; sympathetic response; the same feeling in others 引起共鸣 arouse sympathy; strike a sympathetic chord; 这首诗引起了读者的共鸣。 this poem has struck a responsive chord in the hearts of its readers.; 共鸣板 sound(ing) board; 共鸣管 resonating tube; resonance pipe; 共鸣盘 [钢琴] allow; 共鸣器 resonator; acoustical resonator; acoustic resonance device; 共鸣体 resonant; 共鸣箱 resonant tank; resonator
- 声共振: acoustic resonance; acousticresonance
- 声共振器: acoustic resonantor; acoustic resonator; acoustical resonator