墩座: pier base墙: wall拱座墙: abutment wall翼墙,拱座墙: abutment wall墩座码头: cylinder wharf墩座栈桥: column supported pier小艇龙骨墩座: boat stand吨: 量词(重量单位) ton (t.) 长 [英国] 吨 long ton; 短 [美国] 吨 short ton; 公吨 metric ton; tonne 吨-公里能量消耗: energy consumption per tonne kilometer墩子的故事: (the story of dunzi) yc; a story of dunzi吨-英里: ton-mile墩子: a block of wood or stone 菜墩子 chopping block吨、自粘直焊性漆包铜圆线: qan墩砖: mound brick