墨水: ink silver content in coins印: seal; stamp; chop码: a sign or object indicating ...器: implement; utensil; ware印码器: imprinter墨水印: the one with the stain油墨印码器: ink recorder; ink-recorder直接印码器: direct ink-writer磁墨水印字: magnetic ink printing油墨印码器印字机: inker直接油墨印码器: direct ink writer印码: imprinting水印: [印刷] watermark◇水印检验器 watermark detector; 水印木刻 wood-block print by the medium of water墨水: 1.(墨汁) prepared chinese ink2.(钢笔用的水) (writing) ink 红墨水 red ink; 黑墨水 black ink; 衣服上沾了墨水 get ink on one's dress; 钢笔是使用墨水的书写工具。 a pen is an instrument used in writing with ink.3.(学问) book learning:有点墨水 a bit of a scholar 印码杆: printing arm印码机: imprinter; ink recorder印码盘: inking desk止印码: code nonprtnt倒水印: inverted water mark浮水印: water mark; watermark; wav水印辊: design roll; marking roll; water-mark roll; watermarking dandy roll水印墨: aqua-set ink; water-mark ink水印盘: watermark detector水印刷: printing stock水印线: waterline