The growth factor is the amount by which we multiply the savings at the beginning of the year to get the savings at the end of the year . 用增长系数乘以年初存款额,就得到年末存款额。
Pressure increasing ratio 压力增长系数
Annual improvement factor 年增长系数
Last i make analysis of the relation of technology progress and economic grow . i make inportant of the max ' s economics grow 第三,技术进步和经济增长的关系,并重点讨论了以马克思理论为基础的经济增长系数, 。
Standard test method for determination of slow crack growth parameters of advanced ceramics by constant stress - rate flexural testing at elevated temperatures 高温下用恒定应力速度挠曲试验测定高级陶瓷的慢裂增长系数的标准试验方法