Water quality - glossary - an additional 18 terms 水质.术语.第4集:增补的18条术语
Water quality - glossary - an additional 90 terms 水质.词汇表.增补的90个术语
Software characterized by frequent updates , fixes , and patches 指频繁更新、修改和增补的软件。
The ruling applies as from the year of assessment 2005 2006 but subject to legislative changes , if any , in the future 本裁定适用于2005 2006课税年度及以后的课税年度,但受日后法例增补的约束。
The list is not exhaustive and other species not on the list could be regarded as precious or rare species after due consideration . trees of particularly old age 但有关名单仍有增补的空间,其他未列于名单上的物种,若经适当考虑,也可以被列入珍贵或稀有树木品种。