As a starting point of product increment process , the focus on purchasing management is how to transform tradition modes into new modes to adapt to enterprise development under scm 而作为产品增值过程的起点,采购管理如何实现由传统模式向新的模式转变以适应供应链环境下企业发展的要求成为众多企业关注的焦点。
The conclusion of this article is that if we want to establish mass customized marketing system successfully , we should cut off the non - valued processes and re - engineering the old processes in traditional marketing system 本论文得出总的结论是大规模定制营销必须摒弃传统营销中许多非增值过程,对传统营销模式进行彻底的再造,形成基于速度、价值,面向个性客户的营销体系。
Early last year , articles extolling the virtues of the new economy abounded as " techno - mania " gripped global equity markets . much has changed since then : following the subsequent plummeting of the tech - heavy nasdaq index , the average american has seen his net worth decline for the first time in more than fifty years . the network economy is not the end of history 网络经济并没有从根本上改变实物经济的运行规则,但是,在网络这个载体上,实物经济的增值链被镜象到网络上形成虚拟的增值链,而整个增值过程依靠电子信息流来连接,它的好处是使增值的成本下降、速度加快、范围扩大。
It is thought that the information increment refers to the increase of quantity , quality and value in the information activities . secondly , beginning with the definition , characteristics , and the value , of information and knowledge , analyses the information value chain in the course information value - add . thirdly , on this basis , further in - depth analysis of the principles of value - added information , and made value - added information technology tools and methodologies ; finally library information services types , models , the means and methods are explored 首先阐述了信息增值和信息增值服务的涵义,认为信息增值是信息运动过程中量、质和价值的递增变化;接着以解析信息的特性和价值为起点,深入分析了价值链中信息增值过程;在此基础上,进一步深入剖析了信息增值的原理,并提出了信息增值的技术手段和方法;最后对图书馆信息增值服务类型、模式、手段和方法进行了探讨。
Two aspects should be taken into consideration when designing the motivation system for the human capital in the knowledge - based enterprises : one is the design of property right for sharing a firm ' s surplus either in the form of partnership or stock options depending on the specific situation a business is in currently ; anther is to arrange jobs in accordance with knowledge management , and knowledge sharing should he achieved through the 4 models of knowledge transformation , and transferring the work process into the process of value increasing of human capital 知识型企业人力资本激励设计主要从两个方面入手:一是分享企业剩余的产权设计,根据业务性质不同选择合伙制或股权激励;二是以知识管理为核心进行工作安排,通过知识转化的四种模式达到知识共享,变工作过程为人力资本的价值增值过程。
增值: appreciation; increment; add ...过程: process; procedure; transver ...赋值过程: assignment procedure数值过程: numerical process送回值过程: value-returning procedure值过程调用: value procedure call创造价值过程: process of creating value增值: [经] appreciation; increment; added value; increase in value; rise in value 自然增值 unearned increment; 增值量 value added on products; 增值生产能力 productivity of added value; 增值税 value-added tax; duty on value added; increment value duty; 增值盈余 suplus on appreciation 定值过低: undervalue估值过高: overstatement n; overvalued估值过高, 夸大: overstatement保险价值过低: underinsure峰值过冲电压: peak overshoot voltage增值, 增值价值: value added增值价值, 增值: added value低增值: low value-added高增值: high added value; high value-added净增值: net added value; net value added升值;增值: a reciation; appreciation使增值: parlay增值,涨价: appreciate; appreciation增值;添加: accretion增值;增价: value增值表: added value statement; value added statement增值的: incremental; propagative; value added