To use painting and decorating ? stripping off wallpaper , cutting out damp skirting ? as a symbol of cleansing the soul is risky 撕下墙纸,剪掉防潮墙脚线? ?像这样通过油漆和装修房屋来象征对心灵的清扫,这种技法通常很有风险。
Price included cleaning of the kitchen and bathroom including inside outside of all cabinets , all bedrooms , living and dining areas , window glass optional , skirting board and the floor 吉屋彻底清洁:包括厨房及厕所连柜内外清洁所有房间客厅及饭厅玻璃窗选择性抹墙脚线及地板等。带备清洁用品及用具
墙脚: the foot of a wall foundatio ...线: thread; string; wire护壁;墙裙;墙脚线: dado木墙脚线: wooden skirting柚木墙脚线: teak skirting柚木墙脚线;柚木地脚: teak skirting墙脚: 1.(墙根) the foot of a wall2.(基础) foundation 挖墙脚 cut the ground (from under sb.'s feet); undermine the foundation of脚线: beard; leg wire; upline拆墙脚: undermine; pull away a prop; cut the ground from under sb.'s feet; spoil sb.'s little game墙脚板: skirting; washboard墙脚灯: corner lamp撬墙脚: rushmore挖墙脚: [口语] undermine the foundation; cut the ground from under sb.'s feet; sap a wall; sabotage; undermine a wall地脚线: fd90; gd70a; st-104拱脚线: spring line绕脚线: shoulder pad踢脚线: shirting board; skirting地下室 墙脚: basement墙脚处理: footing dressing墙脚模板: footing dressing衰鬼撬墙脚: till death shall we start专撬墙脚: perfect wife, the(纽扣)绕脚线: shank凹圆踢脚线: coved skirting; covedskirting被附铜线;脚线: leg wire